Geotechnical Engineering

The GEC Professional Staff has worked on geotechnical projects throughout Florida establishing a track record of excellence in both the public and private sectors. GEC is recognized for its innovative technical approaches to complex issues of constructibility, meeting aggressive design and construction schedules, and helping the project team reduce risks and the cost of construction. GEC specializes in geotechnical engineering for highway and bridge projects, major structures, land development, hydrogeological investigations and groundwater modeling, and sinkhole investigation and remediation.
Geotechnical Design Services

Subsurface Exploration
- SPT Drilling
- Auger Borings
- CPT Soundings
- Field Permeability Testing
Laboratory Soil Testing
- Classification Testing
- Consolidation
- Triaxial Shear
- Corrosion Series
Foundation Design Recommendations
- Shallow Footings
- Mat Foundations
- Driven Concrete and Steel Piles
- Auger Cast Piles
- Drilled Shafts
Geotechnical Analysis
- Slope Stability
- Sheet Pile Wall Design
- Retaining Wall Design
- Pond Volume Recovery
- Soil Surcharge Design
- Flexible and Rigid Pavement Design
- Pavement Coring
- Pavement Evaluation Surveys
Groundwater Modeling
- Dewatering Impacts
- Stormwater Volume Recovery
- Stormwater Irrigation Withdrawals
- Wastewater Land Application